Contact Us

Rethink Press

“Tim a knowledgeable expert and a highly professional and motivated person to work with too. We were impressed by the depth of his research and the honesty with which he conducts business. He should be your first call.”

Joe Gregory – Managing Publisher, Rethink Press

Skype Consultation

A Skype consultation with me can help you answer specifics right now or be a great way to discuss broader issues and opportunities with your site. A 1 hour Skype consultation costs $200.


Website Audit

A website audit will tell you what’s wrong with your site, what opportunities you have and how much we would charge for various aspects. You can then choose to do it yourself or get us on the case. Audits start from $1,000.


If you would like to talk about how we can work in a long term partnership which takes your website to the next level we can arrange this by ‘phone, email or Skype.
