SEO for Acupuncturists

Get Seen

Your Acupuncture Clinic on the first page of Google

Build Your Brand

Ensure your business is featured across the internet

Grow your Business

Receive quality enquiries from perspective patients

Routing you to Success

We know there are a myriad of different ways to make an Acupuncture Clinic website or web presence successful in today's online environment - we use them every day. It allows us to offer unique solutions to each client.

Our Website SEO Process for Acupuncture Clinics

  • Monitoring Installations

    We install (or correct faulty installations) of Google Analytics and Google Search Console so you can see first hand how your rankings are improving over time.

  • Code Optimization

    We clean up the code so Google can understand your website the way humans do by ensuring every search engine friendly tag and flag is in place.

  • JSON-LD Injection

    JSON-LD tells Google and Bing key information about your Acupuncture Clinic so they don’t have to guess from your content making you more likely to rank in the right places.

  • Location Signals

    We add Google friendly specific details about your location or locations you serve so you show in the search results of the patients who need your services most.

  • Site and Page Structuring

    We set up your website so Google can get around it easily and understand it better, both at site level and on individual pages.

  • Conversion Optimization

    We study visitor behaviour and add features to make it more likely they will convert into leads that contact you or into your future patients

Our Local SEO Process for Acupuncture Clinics

  • Google My Business Listing Optimization

    We create or improve your GMB listing for better visibility in Google Search and Google Maps

  • Facebook Place Listing Optimization

    We’ll add a listing or clean up your current one so you feature in more Facebook Map searches

  • Citation Creation and Optimization

    We’ll put you in the directories that people use instead of Google (and Google uses them to!)

We've taken some business straight onto Google's first page simply by getting their Website Content and Local SEO setup right!

Get Me Started!

Improved Brand Visibility

across the internet

Increased Visitor Numbers

to your website

More Quality Enquiries

from potential patients


for your Business

Why use link2light for your Acupuncture SEO?

No Monthly Contract

We don’t try and tie you in with contracts, you stay with us because we deliver results

No Competitor Conflicts

We’ll only take on your business if you are the first Acupuncture Clinic in your area to approach us

No Black Hat Practices

We don’t use SEO practices that will get you ranked tomorrow and thrown out of Google the day after

Experienced Team

link2light has been delivering SEO and Online Marketing solutions globally since 2005

Established Brand

We’re not a “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” setup but a business with a 15 year track record

Transparent Approach

We’ll tell you what we are doing and why we are doing it. so you are always in the loop.

Are you operating in a fiercely competitive market ?

We'll create a heavyweight bespoke package for your
Acupuncture Clinic

Content Creation

All the things Google loves: Quality text, imagery, graphics, animations, infographics and videos!

Page Speed+

Google loves fast loading pages, we’ll use advanced techniques such as caching and CDNs for lightining loading!

Social Media

We can assist or fully manage effective Social Media profiles that will raise the profile of your Acupuncture Clinic

PPC Management

Cost controlled and effective online advertising (like Google Ads) that drive the right traffic to your business

Personal and Stable


I'm Tim Hill, Owner and Founder of link2light. I work personally with all our clients so you won't be dealing with a constant turnover of different account managers who are more focused on their career than your business.

We'll work together and create a history that ensures you long term success.

Let’s start Search Engine Optimizing your Acupuncture Clinic Website!

SEO for Acupuncturists and Acupunture Clinics – the long read!

OK. If you are still scrolling down it means you’re interested in the detail! Let’s look deeper and what we do at link2light for Acupuncturists and Acupuncture Clinics and get familiar with a bit of jargon as we go.

Search Engine Optimizing any business which has geographical limits (either because of your location or how far you can reasonable travel to serve your patients) is known as Local SEO.
