Are internet users about to realise how many Facebook 'likes' could actually be worthless?

The End of Facebook Likes?

Last month I wrote about how getting Facebook ‘Likes’ doesn’t do anything for your SEO because search engines like Google know they can be purchased by the thousands. “Yes”, said one of my clients. “But internet users don’t know that and when they come to a site with 3,000 Likes they feel confidence.”

As a general guide if someone can get you thousands of 'somethings' for a few dollars it is easy to see that they are, or are about to be, worthless.

Should I get you 1,000 Facebook Likes

There is a booming industry of online businesses offering Facebook ‘Likes’, Google Plus Ones, Twitter Followers and the like. These social media bookmarks are supposed to be desirable because they signal to search engines the number of internet users who genuinely like your website or your content enough to share it with their friends. Well they used to …It was, of course, not long before the idea was hijacked by companies who made up thousands of false accounts ヨ in Facebook, Google, Twitter, and on. From there it was easy to offer a thousand social media bookmarks or followers overnight …

Despite plans to grow will Facebook be eaten from within by spammers and the damage to it's brand from the stock flotation?

Will Facebook Implode?

There has been plenty of concern over Facebook since it’s recent flotation with much speculation surrounding it’s ability to survive financially. I’m surprised at yet another multi-billion dot com affair but this aside I see FB’s problem as two fold – it is being eaten up by spam accounts from within is one half and the damage that has been done to the brand by the IPO is the other.