Making the most of Google Adwords

In 30 pages I've compressed down what most individuals and small businesses really need to know about Google Adwords

In 30 pages I’ve compressed down what most individuals and small businesses really need to know about Google Adwords

So often when I mention Google Adwords, or any PPC concept come to that, I hear a sort of distressed gurgle. Luckily I’ve learnt to translate that!

It means one of two things: “I’ve tried it and lost a lot of money” or, “What has that got to do with SEO?”

Let’s go with the first translation which is the most common. You try Adwords and it costs and costs and costs but you don’t seem to get anything in return … Sound familiar?

But 99% of the time it isn’t Adwords that is at fault, it is the way it is being used. Like hitting your thumb with a hammer as you try to drive a nail in and throwing the hammer away for the damage it did!

I sort out, and then restart, many Adwords Campaigns so they actually yield a positive return. It’s not hugely complex but it is time consuming.

So if you have time, but you don’t have a budget for hiring me(!) I’ve compressed the most important need-to-know information into a 30 page booklet aimed at individuals and small to medium sized businesses.

You can have a look inside the guide at the Making the Most of Google Adwords Book Preview page.

It’s available in Kindle Form at Amazon USA or Amazon UK and you can buy it right here on this site in PDF form.

What has PPC got to do with SEO?

This is usually the question I get from new clients who haven’t tried PPC and are primarily interested in organic SEO.

In a nutshell PPC campaigns can accellerate your organic rankings by giving search engines like Google more data to consider. A PPC campaign will show Google how well users respond to your page or website for a particular keyword which then affects how it ranks organically.

Note when I say “affects how it ranks organically” this can be down as well as up – hence why the PPC campaign has to be well structured for you to benefit – and yes, that’s all in the book as well!