When you lose your rankings doing nothing is an option worth thinking about.

Lost your rankings? Sometimes doing nothing is the best action.

When you lose a valuable position in Google’s search result there is understandable panic and a desire to ‘do something’ – anything. But there are circumstances when you should consider doing nothing at all! Google is not infallible. It is not beyond making mistakes of its own and there have been a fair amount of these in the past. Here’s an actual story from one of my own websites.

When it comes to internet search how strong is Google?

Does Google really rule the roost when it comes to search?

Much is often made about Google’s 90% share of the search market but is it really what it seems considering the rising number of ways there are to find information that don’t involve it, Bing, Yahoo or the ‘usual suspects’? Google dominates doesn’t it? Well the European Union seems to think so and has hit Google a number of times because it sees the search giant at abusing its near monopolistic position in Europe.