When you lose your rankings doing nothing is an option worth thinking about.

Lost your rankings? Sometimes doing nothing is the best action.

When you lose a valuable position in Google’s search result there is understandable panic and a desire to ‘do something’ – anything. But there are circumstances when you should consider doing nothing at all! Google is not infallible. It is not beyond making mistakes of its own and there have been a fair amount of these in the past. Here’s an actual story from one of my own websites.

When it comes to internet search how strong is Google?

Does Google really rule the roost when it comes to search?

Much is often made about Google’s 90% share of the search market but is it really what it seems considering the rising number of ways there are to find information that don’t involve it, Bing, Yahoo or the ‘usual suspects’? Google dominates doesn’t it? Well the European Union seems to think so and has hit Google a number of times because it sees the search giant at abusing its near monopolistic position in Europe.

How to quickly check if your SEO work was effective

So you hired a company to improve your rankings or you beavered away learning about on-Page SEO and link building and put your knowledge to work. The changes have been made but your rankings haven’t changed yet so how do you know if the right edits have been carried out? How do you know if you are on the right path?

Do you know if the content you are creating is doing you any good?

Are you wasting your time creating content for SEO?

There has long been a mantra that ‘content is king’ banged out by many in the SEO world which causes website owners to rush off and blog or write articles … but does it work? I will just point out the obvious here, we are talking about creating quality content, not some generic drivel that is on offer from thousands of sites providing articles for a few dollars.

Is Google really about to forsake quality results for pretty sites?

The eve of Mobilegeddon? Probably not.

Google has been working hard to whip up hysteria in the SEO community. Before April is out your rankings might be affected if your site isn’t mobile friendly … or so they say. The exact wording was “Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results.“

Finding subcontractors on Elance isn't always easy

Contracting out to Elance

Contracting out your SEO work to Elance is an extremely risky business. Chose the wrong contractor and they could get up to all sorts of shenanigans that lead to Google penalties and bans. Generally for search engine optimization wholesale I wouldn’t recommend Elance unless the contractor can provide fully verifiable references that you follow up in order to ensure they are: not ghost companies and websites created by the SEO company in order to provide references, not websites that the SEO company actually has nothing to do with.

Can the SEO community be too hysterical when reacting to Google's actions?

The hysteria around Google’s actions

I came across this in my unpublished blog posts and thought it was a good reminder about how the SEO community sometimes reacts with hysteria to Google’s actions but when the dust dies there really isn’t any meat in the frantic responses. The story surrounds a Google ban of Doc Sheldon’s blog (Doc Sheldon being one of the more respected people in the SEO world) earlier this year.

Why I don’t recommend Yelp to my clients

Yelp is a fundamentally flawed review service being kept afloat by investors desperately figuring out a way to make the platform profitable. Overrun with spammed content its filtering attempts have turned things from bad to worse, alienating businesses and users alike, while it is bogged down in extortion scandals and court battles. There is no doubt that right now Yelp can help bring in the business, or get rid of it, but I always question spending time and resource invested in a platform that may not be around for the long term. And there are plenty of reasons why Yelp …

Website design now has to take into account different devices and different screen sizes

Google issues with dynamic website design

Responsive and dynamic websites are all the rage and rightly so. But dynamic content has revealed a major flaw in how Google crawls and caches the internet. One that leaves webmasters creating content which isn’t indexed and scammers with an open door. Before I explain the flaw in Google Iメll briefly cover what dynamic website design is as this will explain how search engines are missing content while some webmasters could use techniques to fool search engine crawlers.