The real Mobilegeddon is coming. Are you ready?

Mobilegeddon came and went a year ago last Spring. Disasters forecast never materialised but Google’s new ‘Mobile First’ approach to ranking may be the real Mobilegeddon. Is your website prepared?  Back when Google announced it would flag websites that weren’t mobile friendly in the search results there followed a stampede of webmasters looking for changes to make their pages look tip top on smart phones and tablets.

Is Google really about to forsake quality results for pretty sites?

The eve of Mobilegeddon? Probably not.

Google has been working hard to whip up hysteria in the SEO community. Before April is out your rankings might be affected if your site isn’t mobile friendly … or so they say. The exact wording was “Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results.“

Website design now has to take into account different devices and different screen sizes

Google issues with dynamic website design

Responsive and dynamic websites are all the rage and rightly so. But dynamic content has revealed a major flaw in how Google crawls and caches the internet. One that leaves webmasters creating content which isn’t indexed and scammers with an open door. Before I explain the flaw in Google Iメll briefly cover what dynamic website design is as this will explain how search engines are missing content while some webmasters could use techniques to fool search engine crawlers.

Adding rich snippets to your breadcrumbs enhances the way your pages look in the search results

X-Cart Breadcrumbs and Rich Snippets

Rich snippets are all the rage at the moment because they make the way your website looks in the search results of Google, Yahoo and Bing well ナ a little more sexy! If you’re not sure what Rich snippets are or how they might relate to your online shop have a read of our page on rich snippets and schema first So how to you integrate them into your X-Cart store?

Spinning articles works, but for how much longer and could there be penalties later?

Spinning articles for SEO

Before I start, an explanation. Spinning articles means taking one piece of text and running it through computer software so it looks like a different piece of text but still on the same theme. This makes it possible for some SEO companies to offer 100 articles for $100 or the like.