Those five stars are popping up everywhere - how do you get some for your eCommerce store?

ECommerce and Reviews, Reviews, Reviews

With Google displaying reviews in an ever more prominent way both in Google shopping and in its’ organic search results this is obviously becoming an increasingly important factor in SEO. It’s not so much that good reviews effect your rankings directly (although this can be true in Google Shopping and Google+ Local) but that some nice yellow stars attract internet users to click through to your site.

Adding rich snippets to your breadcrumbs enhances the way your pages look in the search results

X-Cart Breadcrumbs and Rich Snippets

Rich snippets are all the rage at the moment because they make the way your website looks in the search results of Google, Yahoo and Bing well ナ a little more sexy! If you’re not sure what Rich snippets are or how they might relate to your online shop have a read of our page on rich snippets and schema first So how to you integrate them into your X-Cart store?

Even in the demo VevoCart makes no SEO attempts, as the page title and URL show here for a page that is listing men's boots ...

VevoCart and SEO

VevoCart is the offering for an online shopping cart and it was recently bought to my attention by a client. In terms of usability I have never applied it to a website because it is so poorly reviewed. You can read some stories of woe here: